In website management, choosing between subdirectories and subdomains can impact your site’s search engine optimization (SEO). Both options offer unique advantages and challenges when it comes to organizing and structuring your website. This blog post will explore the differences between subdirectories and subdomains and delve into the implications for SEO. By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your SEO goals.

What Are Subdirectories and Subdomains?

Subdirectories are part of the main domain name and are used to organise content within a website. For example, would be a subdirectory of the main site, This structure helps keep your URLs short and easy to remember while still providing organisation for your content.

Subdomains, on the other hand, are separate domains that live underneath the main domain name. For example, would be a subdomain of the main site, This structure can help you create unique URLs and provide more separation between different sections of your website.

Understanding Subdirectories

Subdirectories, or subfolders, are sections within a website organized hierarchically under the main domain. For example, if your website is, a subdirectory would be Subdirectories provide a way to categorize content and maintain a consistent brand identity throughout the website. From an SEO perspective, subdirectories have several advantages.

Firstly, subdirectories benefit from the existing authority of the main domain. When search engines crawl and index your site, the authority and trust built for the main domain are passed on to the subdirectories. This can result in improved search rankings for subdirectory pages.

Secondly, subdirectories consolidate the link equity of the entire domain. All backlinks earned by the main domain contribute to the overall authority of the website, benefitting all subdirectories. This consolidation of link equity can help boost SEO efforts across the entire site.

However, subdirectories also have some limitations. They can become unwieldy and difficult to manage as your website grows. Maintaining a logical hierarchy and keeping track of content can become challenging, potentially affecting user experience and SEO if not properly organized.

Exploring Subdomains

Subdomains, on the other hand, are separate sections of a website that are treated as distinct entities by search engines. They are essentially independent websites built on the same root domain. For instance, if your website is, a subdomain could be Subdomains offer their own set of advantages and challenges for SEO.

One advantage of subdomains is their ability to provide a clear separation between different sections of a website. This can be particularly useful when you want to create a unique brand identity or target different geographical regions. Subdomains also allow for easy scalability and management of large amounts of content.

Additionally, subdomains offer the opportunity to target specific keywords or niche markets. By optimizing each subdomain individually, you can tailor the SEO strategy to the specific goals and target audience of each section.

However, subdomains also come with potential drawbacks. Unlike subdirectories, subdomains do not benefit from the consolidated link equity of the main domain. Each subdomain must earn its own authority and backlinks. This means that building and maintaining SEO efforts for each subdomain requires additional time and resources.

SEO Considerations and Best Practices

SEO best practices

When choosing between subdirectories and subdomains for SEO purposes, it’s essential to consider your specific goals and circumstances. Here are some important factors to consider:

Site Structure and Organization

If your website has a logical hierarchy and manageable content, subdirectories can be a straightforward and effective option. They allow for easy content management and leverage the existing authority of the main domain. On the other hand, if your website requires distinct sections with different branding or targeting, subdomains may be a better choice.

Backlink Consolidation

If link equity and authority across the entire website are crucial for your SEO strategy, subdirectories offer the advantage of consolidating backlinks. However, if you want to create separate link-building campaigns or target different keywords with each section, subdomains provide more flexibility.

Scalability and Management

Consider the scalability of your website. If you anticipate rapid growth and the need for separate teams or content strategies for different sections, subdomains offer better scalability and management options. Subdirectories, on the other hand, may become difficult to navigate and organize as your website expands.

User Experience

A well-organized and intuitive website structure contributes to a positive user experience. Consider how subdirectories or subdomains will impact your site’s navigation and ease of use for visitors. If used correctly, both subdirectories and subdomains can provide a good user experience. However, some users may have trouble remembering longer URLs with multiple subdirectories, so you’ll need to balance the benefits of the organisation with the potential for confusion.

Link Juice

Subdirectories pass on link juice or the authority that comes from links pointing to your site more effectively than subdomains. This means that using subdirectories can help improve your overall website authority and make it easier to rank in search engines.

Technical SEO

Both subdirectories and subdomains can be optimised using technical SEO best practices, such as properly using meta tags, header tags, and internal linking strategies. However, some technical issues may arise when using subdomains that don’t occur with subdirectories, so you’ll need to carefully consider your options based on the specific needs of your website.


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential part of any successful online presence, and one of the key factors in optimising your website is choosing the right URL structure. Two common options are subdirectories or subdomains. While both subdirectories and subdomains have their advantages and disadvantages for SEO purposes, it is generally considered better to use subdirectories due to their ability to pass on link juice more effectively and provide a good user experience. However, you’ll need to carefully consider your specific needs and goals when deciding which URL structure is right for your website.

Categories: SEO